When you call on CMCS for values-driven strategic planning services, you get:
How we help:
Why a CMCS strategic plan is better:
Dresden Rotary Club Strategic Plan for 2023 to 2026
Tom and Nancy provide Board training that is down to earth and practical. It appeals to both new Board members and those with lots of experience.
Topics covered include:
Over the course of discussion, Board members always identify many actions they want to take as a result of the new ideas Tom provides. So Nancy records these actions. Then she feeds them back at the end of the session. Only CMCS Board training produces a work plan the Board can use to make its governance even better. Starting length for this session is 3 hours, with options available for extending it.
Our services include helping to update your organization's bylaw and develop Board or management policies.
Your bylaw includes many important details about how your non-profit will operate. The introduction of the Ontario's Not-for-Profit Corporations Act put the spotlight on bylaws and the need to be in compliance. We helped a number of organizations update and are here to assist and advise.
Policies are "how-to's" that explain 'the way the Board or the employees will operate. For the Board, they cover all those areas not included in the bylaw. Policies are especially important for demonstrating due diligence. We provide a draft template, then work with you to customize it to your requirements.
Our studies can cover a range of topics. We have explored ethical decision-making, how to best serve clients whose first language is not English and developing pioneering housing options.
Reviews tell you how things are working currently. They can be organization-wide, or they can address a particular aspect of organizational effectiveness such as staffing structures.
Regardless of your needs, we can help!